So, what was so interesting about this finding? In the early 80’s a medication, granulocyte-colony
stimulating factor (G-CSF), which reduced the length of time a patient’s white
blood cell count was low after chemotherapy, was discovered and developed right
here in Australia. Clinical use of G-CSF
reduced the likelihood of a dangerous infections in susceptible patients. It was a magnificent achievement, and history
has proven that it has been one of the most significant advances in the supportive
care of cancer patients in our life-time.
Now back to the 1997 study (you’ve got to stay with
me on this one 😊).
Although this was a small study, the
magnitude of the effect of exercise on improving white cell counts was about
the same as G-CSF. Yet no one in the
hospitals I worked in got excited and started “prescribing” exercise. I’ve always felt that this was a large
oversight by traditional medicine.

They looked at 112 studies reporting on 13
different activities which included relaxation, massage, cognitive behavioural therapy
alone or combined with physical activity, resistance training, aerobic
exercise, yoga, healing touch, dance, music and Tai-Chi.
The good news was that many of the above activities improved
cancer-related fatigue. They found:
- During cancer treatment the most useful activities were relaxation, massage, cognitive behavioural therapy combined with physical activity, resistance training, aerobic activity and yoga; and
- After cancer treatment had finished the most useful activities were yoga, cognitive behavioural therapy alone or combined with physical therapy, tai-chi, resistance training and aerobic exercise.

More and more specialists are now recommending
various integrative oncology practises.
Integrative oncology is a term used
to describe the use of mind and body practices, natural products, and/or
lifestyle modifications from different traditions alongside conventional cancer
treatments. Importantly like the
above recently published study integrative oncology is based on evidence to
support the effectiveness of the activity.
For too long, however, health
services have ignored the psychological and physical impacts of going to hospital
for treatment. So many of our patients
have said that they found attending hospitals for treatment confronting, stressful
and chaotic. They say that sitting
around waiting for treatment, spending most of the day in a busy hospital does
nothing to improve their physical or their mental status. What they say that want and need is to be
able to live a “normal” active life with peace and calm. chemo@home offers patients the choice of
having their treatment in the most relaxing, calm environment possible – the patient’s
own home. And with the growing body of research mounting on the benefits of
integrative medicine AND the benefits of home chemotherapy, the future of
cancer care is likely to be very different to what it has been in the past. It will be fascinating to see maybe some more
unexpected benefits in both areas!
Read more on the article discussed at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5931245/pdf/bjsports-2016-096422.pdf
Read more on integrative oncology at https://integrativeonc.org/
Read more about the research done by chemo@home at http://chemoathome.com.au/research/
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